Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In the beginning

I have no idea where to please forgive me on the rambling or anything else that is wrong w/ my first post!

Joshua and I started our relationship on Jan. 1, 2006. Then we got engaged on Sept. 12, 2006. He was getting forced out of his enlistment bc there were too many in his field so he decided to go back to college, East Carolina University (Go Pirates!). I talked w/ my parents and asked permission to move w/ him and just be engaged. I was 22 at the time but I still needed their respect. My dad ok'd it, thank goodness! So we moved to Greenville, NC around Oct. 2006. He joined ECU's ROTC program to become an officer in the air force. We set a date of Jan 2, 2010 to get married bc we thought he would be done w/ school then. Well we miscalculated on when he would finish which wasn't til May 2010 but I didn't feel like a hot wedding in FL so we kept the Jan date. It was a beautiful wedding! So in May 2010 he graduated college and commissioned (Distinguished Graduate!!) in the Air Force as a Munitions Maitenance Officer (21M). We were told he wouldn't enter active duty and move to Albuquerque, NM (Kirtland AFB) until after Oct. 1st. So here we were with only me working and him wondering if he should get a job. I called my mom to see if we could move in w/ her until we get our dates. Who could pass up free rent and food!? The very next day Joshua gets a call that they want him in NM by the end of the week. This is the end of June 2010. Joshua told him he couldn't do that and asked when could he leave the latest by. They told him by next Wed. We were so happy!! We couldn't move ourselves and TMO couldn't come before we left. So luckily Joshua's brother Jason got a Power of Attorney and was able to be there for when the movers picked up our stuff. So we left on a Wed and drove both cars to New Mexico. We have a cat named Bindie so we had to make a stop in St. Louis so we could drop him off at my sister's (Tracey) house bc he couldn't stay in lodging with us once we got there (we ended up flying him to us once we got settled). It took us 5 days to get there. Once we were there we stayed in lodging about 3 weeks or so. Joshua had to leave for tech school a week after we got there. He was gone for 3 months. I got a house on base and moved us in. Luckily I had wonderful neighbors who took me in and showed me around. So that is how we ended up in New Mexico. We def love it here but can't wait to see what's next!!

Now onto the part of trying to get pregnant. This could be a little too much information so I understand if you quit reading now.

July 2010 I stopped birth control. We figured we are in a stable job and have great insurance so if we get pregnant it won't matter. Well I didn't get a period til Jan 2011. Then nothing after that. So I talked to a neighbor (did I mention we have great neighbors?!) who is a Dr on base and she said that I should come in for some blood work (this was April 2010). I think they took around 12 vials of blood. Just a couple of tests didn't come out that great. My insulin is a little high and my cholesterol was pretty high. So she told me I should eat better and exercise. So starting June 2010 I began a boot camp style workout called Fit Chicks. She also referred me to a fertility specialist at UNM. They gave me Provera to start my period and Clomid to see if it will help me ovulate. The clomid didn't work even though I got pos with the ovulation tests. So they upped the dose from 50 mg to 100 mg. That still didn't work. So they upped it again to 150 mg. Finally during that round they did an ultrasound to see if any follicles were growing. On Day 3 of my cycle they saw little follicles in both ovaries and my uterus looked great! Well I went back on Day 12 bc Day 13 was a Saturday and the follicles didn't grow. So they decided to give me Femara to try this round. So I took Provera again but never started my period. I go to a fertility support group once a month and they all go to a different Dr for fertility. I decided to give them a call. I got an appt in Nov. and he diagnosed me with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). He prescribed me Metformin to regulate my insulin and help me lose weight. Also he gave me birth control to take for only 2 weeks then throw it away so it will start my pd. That worked. Then I took the femara while we were visiting Joshua's family in NC (I actually forgot the medicine at home which caused a little breakdown at the airport terminal but luckily they said it was ok to take the medicine the next day so they were able to call it into a pharmacy). Supposedly I ovulated while we were NC. But I took a pregnancy test on Christmas Eve but it was negative. I called the nurse on Monday and told her I just needed birth control called in bc I still had Femara at home. So I get my pills and she actually called in Medroxy Progesterone. Which the brand name of it is Provera. I am a little ticked but maybe it will work. Trying to keep a good outlook on all this.

So that's where we are at right now. I hope it wasn't too lengthy or boring. Not sure if I will write much but will when interesting stuff will happen!