Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today I had a hysteroscopy done. I really love the staff at my doctor's office, they are great! For a hysteroscopy they put a camera in you to look at your uterus. I didn't feel it inside me at all. We were even watching it on the screen which I thought was gross but Joshua thought it was pretty cool. Dr. Thompson was making sure Joshua wasn't getting squeamish and we told him he watched the delivery so this was nothing! He found some plaque on my uterine wall which was probably from the placenta so he just scraped it off. I didn't feel that either but watching it was so weird, he just kept poking at it until it was all gone. Everything else looks great and I go back on Monday to get an ultrasound done to check for follicles and hopefully get a refresher course for the injections. We are getting excited. Right now I am on letrozol pills for ovulation and I take 5mg a day until Sunday. Well that is all for right now. When Joshua uploads pictures from our camera I will post the ones we took over memorial weekend when we went to Phoenix to celebrate his sister-in-law's birthday. We had a blast!! Thank you all for your prayers, we really appreciate them! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mom's visit and more

My mom came to visit us on the 23rd til the 30th. The first night she was here we played Bunco with the Kirtland Spouse Club. It was so much fun and I won the most buncos! I got a $50 gift card to The Elephant Bar. We also worked on Joy's room to put up some clothes in bins and separate neutral clothes from the girly ones in case our next baby is a boy. Kind of exciting that we won't be finding out the sex! Friday night we went to Girl's Night Out at Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. That was a lot of fun! We got two massages, a 10 minute relaxation, and some tinsel in our hair (which is still in mine). Also mom got my Mother's Day gift, an Orgami Owl necklace with a purple heart, a wing, and a J will be coming later. I have been wanting one so I am very excited she got one for me! Saturday Joshua and I went to a Renaissance Fair while mom stayed home. It was fun to see.

One of the neat pictures that Joshua took.

Mom left on Tues and we had a great visit with her. Yesterday I went to PWOC (Protestant Woman Of the Chapel). It was awesome to see everyone. Have I mentioned that we have a great support system here? Because we do!!

Joshua and I have started Couch to 5k. I have been wanting to be able to run so we are finally doing it. Last night was week 1 day 1. I thought I wasn't going to make it. But he motivated me (more like yelling, haha) and I did not stop running when I had to run. Luckily right now you only run for 60 seconds but it's the longest 60 seconds!

As promised here are pictures of Joy! She is so beautiful and I am so lucky to have these pictures.

She had so much hair!

The hospital had this ring and gave it to us after they were done.

In fertility news I started my second month of birth control today, so at the end of this month I get to schedule my hysteroscopy and start my ovulation pills.
Until next time :)